Saturday, March 28, 2020

Intermediate Value Theorem - Understands How To Use Your Chemical Calculators

Intermediate Value Theorem - Understands How To Use Your Chemical CalculatorsThe mid-value theorem - the theory of search-dictated tasks - is an important concept in learning organic chemistry. Many chemicals and process chemicals are expensive to buy, but they don't last long or are difficult to process and store.Chemicals, as we know, have many properties that make them useful and the better quality the better they can be used. Chemicals can be used to create products like plastics, polymers, polyurethanes, foams, and rubber. But all these chemicals are expensive. Therefore the chemist has to combine two approaches: the price of the chemical and its property (i.e. if it has a higher price than its quality, you should always choose the chemical with higher quality).One important result of the intermediate value theorem is that you should not just focus on the price of the chemical but also on its ability to perform your task. You should never just purchase the cheapest chemical. Thi s may actually harm your project. This will be disastrous if you need a product that can only be manufactured by using low-quality chemicals. If you get the cheapest available chemical, you do not even have enough chemicals that can perform the task that you need.Next, you should also evaluate the products that you get as the price of the chemical has more to do with how much you pay for the chemical than its quality. So when it comes to picking the best quality, the price plays an important role. So it would be better to first evaluate the quality before you look at the price. In most cases, cheaper chemicals are only cheap because of their low quality.A chemical is a complex system that is only possible to be characterized through theory and by using chemical processes. In this sense, the intermediate value theorem is not only useful to students who want to learn about organic chemistry but also for organic chemistry tutor, who must understand the concept of laboratory experiments and how they are different from simple everyday learning.When it comes to organic chemistry tutor, most of the time the student does not study organic chemistry but something else. This means that if the student really needs to learn organic chemistry, he/she will need to focus on a particular aspect of the subject. With the help of the intermediate value theorem, the student should ask himself: 'What do I need to learn in organic chemistry?' The answer to this question should lead him to the right approach to learning.The intermediate value theorem is useful to both students and teachers. There are many other useful concepts in organic chemistry, including:

Friday, March 6, 2020

Excellent English tutors

Excellent English tutors Many of us joke that speakers of English as a foreign language often speak better English than most English people. Unfortunately, when you compare the impeccable English of the Dutch or the Swedish with some of the dialogue you hear on English TV, you can't help but agree. Poorly spoken TV presenters aside, the fact is that many of us wish that we could improve our standards of written and spoken English. There are many reasons for this. Spelling and grammar aren't taught in the exacting way that they were say, 50 years ago, and business English isn't widely taught either. How many people really know how to use an apostrophe, for example? The result is that many of us can't write letters as well as we wish we could, or we're embarrassed about our poor spelling in general but are unsure what to do about it. In a similar vein, there are those of us who would like to enjoy literature but currently feel unable to do so, either because we are slower readers than we would like, or because, due to poor teaching at school, we feel that reading is a real effort that we are not bright enough to undertake. Of course, this is not true - there is a good book for everyone! If this sounds like you, then why not enlist the help of an English tutor? Many English teachers can teach both language and literature, giving you the confidence to use and enjoy English to the full.

ChelC Education

Chelâ€"C Education Chelâ€"C Education Chel-C Educationis aLondon based education company,a subsidiary companyof a leading English education company Keyword Education whichis devoted to teaching young learners English in China. On behalf of Keyword Education, Chel-C Educationis recruiting qualified ESL teachers to China. Keyword Education was founded in the UK in 2007,our headquarter is now based in Shenzhen, China.We dedicate ourselves to ESL Teaching, Overseas Study and other International Education Programs. We are the only English training organization in Shenzhen, which is using the American version from Longman Pearson and Professional Partnership with Alo7 English. Our goal is to offer the most professional, authoritative English Training Service to all Chinese students. Today we have 23 teaching centers located in big shopping malls across all districts in Shenzhen, and more to be opened in other cities. Allour ESL teachers are professionally trained to provide standardized teaching service to their students.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Get hired with your TEFL certification (with job postings)

Get hired with your TEFL certification (with job postings) Earning your TEFL certification has the potential to drastically boost the trajectory of your career in education. It opens up doors to the international teaching world and allows you to gain global experience that will prove to be impactful in future career moves - both abroad and at home.But if a TEFL certification is such a powerful resume addition, how come all international positions don’t require candidates to have one?The answer to this question might vary slightly from one hiring body to another, but can largely be summarized by the fact that there is no international body for the recognition of ESL certificates. As a result, TEFL, TESL, and TESOL qualifications are interpreted by hiring schools and organizations based on their issuing institution and number of online learning or classroom hours. In turn, it’s difficult for all overseas job advertisers to ask for specific ESL requirements  when there are so many emerging and unique qualifications. In cases where a certif ication such as TEFL is not specifically required, it is always noticed and beneficial to the applicant.This is not to suggest that there are minimal employers seeking educators with ESL training. There are lots. One organization in particular, called English First, is in need of certified TEFL- or TESL-certified teachers.About English FirstEnglish First jobs allow educators to teach English overseas with one of China’s most reputable language schools. With ESL jobs in cities across China, English First is a great opportunity for teachers to explore some of the world’s most dynamic cities while teaching overseas.ESL jobs with English FirstESL Teachers - English First ChinaOnline ESL Teachers - English First ChinaGet TEFL certified onlineStill need to get your ESL certification? Get certified with the University of Toronto TEFL Online.

7 Tips for Combatting Belly Bloat

7 Tips for Combatting Belly Bloat Image via 1. Reduce gas-producing foods in your diet. First off, cutting back on gas-producing foods is the best way to combat bloat. One method that I find the most success with is cutting back on gas-inducing carbohydrates, especially simple carbs. Carbs retain water in your body; therefore cutting back produces a diuretic effect that aids in flushing out all of that water that your body is holding onto. The primary foods to avoid in this case are white bread, white rice, as well as cookies, cake, and candy (basically anything with refined sugars). You may also want to steer clear of high-carb (and gas-producing) vegetables such as brussels sprouts, beans, broccoli and cauliflower. In place of these, opt for foods that are lower in fat and high in protein like Greek yogurt, eggs and salmon. You also can never go wrong with noshing on veggies, think celery and cucumber, which are composed of mostly water and actually help you burn calories as you eat them! Also, be sure to consume natural high-fiber foods, which aid in digestion and help decrease bloating in the stomach. Choose fibrous foods in their natural form, such as whole grains, vegetables and fruits.  These will satiate your appetite while keeping bloat to a minimum. 2. Cut back on seasonings. While most of us are already aware of the fact that consuming foods high in salt cause your body to retain water and subsequently create belly bloat, many don’t realize that it is also beneficial for the bloat to reduce our intake of other popular seasonings such as black pepper, nutmeg, chili powder, tomato sauce, vinegar, mustard, onions, hot sauce and ketchup. The reason being that these additives can increase stomach acid thus triggering acid reflux. This acid reflux effect leads to discomfort and repeated swallowing of air that results in extra air filling up your stomach and causing more bloat. Rather, try seasonings that act as digestive aids, such as turmeric, ginger and cinnamon. 3. Consume smaller meals. When you eat largely portioned meals, they inevitably take much longer to digest which directly leads to an increase in intestinal gas. When that gas is stored in your body without being released, it can accumulate in your stomach resulting in a belly pooch. Just be sure to watch your portions, especially if you’re indulging in a cheat meal, or if you’re eating close to your bed time. 4. Get some sleep. It may have never occurred to you that lack of sleep could cause belly bloat. However, chronic sleep deprivation leads to elevated levels of a stress hormone called cortisol.  Cortisol is great when you’re in a fight-or-flight situation but terrible for you on a continual basis. Also, lack of sleep makes you crave high carbohydrate snacks that you can’t seem to put down. That’s because sleep deprivation decreases leptin levels, the hormone your brain uses to tell your body when you’ve had enough to eat. So in order to avoid this bloat producing cycle, be sure to catch at least seven hours of shuteye every night and to create a consistent sleep routine. 5. Don’t drink carbonated beverages. If you haven’t realized yet, you should know that all soda is terrible for you! Even diet soda! It’s filled with artificial sugars like high fructose corn syrup and aspartame that pack on the pounds fast and can even lead to illness. Even if you’re only drinking seltzer water, any carbonated beverage causes gas to get trapped in your gut, which in turn results in extreme belly bloat. 6. Avoid eating late. If you’re a night owl, you’re more likely to eat late at night. This is another little-known cause of belly bloat. Digestive function is best in the middle of the day but natural enzymes and hormones get sluggish as the sun goes down. Eating before sleep means food is more likely to sit undigested in your gut, leaving you feeling tired and bloated in the morning. 7. Drink lots of water. Lastly, the best way to reduce bloat is simply to keep hydrated! Be sure to drink a minimum of eight cups of water per day so that you continuously flush out all of the toxins that could be causing any signs of bloating.

Chemistry: An Overview PDF - Textbook-Based Introduction to the Field of Chemistry

Chemistry: An Overview PDF - Textbook-Based Introduction to the Field of ChemistryChemistry: An Overview PDF by Stephen Markowsky is a textbook-based introduction to the field of Chemistry and is a prelude to a further introduction of the concepts that students need to know in order to succeed. This is a textbook introduction to this fascinating subject with interactive modules. There are over twenty pages of extra content including five bonus exercises for the student who wishes to pursue a further study.This book has an unusually large number of pictures and includes detailed and concise descriptions of different elements. It also provides basic information about the chemical bonding and proper terminology. It is perfect for the chemistry teacher who has time on his hands to instruct his students. This package contains all that you need to get started with chemistry.For teachers, textbooks are not necessarily the best source of chemistry instructions because there are different met hods to learning, and even for people who have plenty of time, it can be very difficult to go through the same textbook set twice over. That is why these teaching aids are very useful and popular. A set of Chemistry: An Overview PDF by Stephen Markowsky is not only available online, but it is also in the form of an eBook.This kind of material is not only very popular among chemistry majors, but it is also used in a large number of colleges and universities. The advantages of this kind of online learning material are obvious. Teachers can provide their lessons to students as well as to new students.This kind of material is convenient and is easy to understand for students who already have a basic physics and chemistry background. In addition, there are a lot of other websites which provide supplementary materials, but a combination of these materials and this set by Stephen Markowsky are more ideal. You do not have to worry about purchasing a large number of textbooks just to give yo ur students all the help they need.If you decide to get one of these textbooks, you should ensure that it is not just a book but a set of materials. This is because there are too many other materials included in this set. Some of the other materials that you might want to take a look at include chemistry modules and quizzes.You can also get this book as a paperback edition. The paperback version has the same cover as the other versions. You can order this book either from Amazon's website. There are numerous other websites where you can buy it as well.

Basic Information About English Learning Material For Beginner

Basic Information About English Learning Material For BeginnerMany people tend to think that English learning material for the beginner is not available on the web. This might be because they are not aware of the internet. This is true and what these people do not know is that there are a lot of websites that can help them understand the language better. These websites will also provide you with more methods to enhance your vocabulary and reading skills.What are the things that the learner's mind has to remember when learning English? The first one is the words that can be written on the paper. Words that have a special meaning are usually spelled out with capitals and underlined.Also, there is the case of common things that are more commonly used than words that have special meanings, such as numbers, time, holidays, and other such things. You must be familiar with the meaning of the words that you learn in English lessons, otherwise the whole purpose of the lesson is wasted.Another thing that the learner's mind must consider is the type of lesson materials that are available on the internet. Before purchasing the materials for beginner lessons, it is important that you will check the quality of the materials that are offered by the websites.Material with beginner lessons will usually have a lot of simple and easy to understand material. Most beginners also opt for such materials because they want to learn from the beginner materials that offer lessons that can be applied within the real world situations.If you are looking for lessons that can be applied outside the classroom, the beginner materials should be beneficial for the beginner. Many beginners prefer lessons for beginners, but there are some reasons for this. The reason for this is that the materials are often presented in an easy to understand format.There are many sites on the web that offer free lesson materials for beginners. But, if you want to know more about these materials, you should check th em out, and if you really want to improve your English, you should check out the beginner material offered by these websites.

Is Counting Calories Important

Is Counting Calories Important Should I Be Calorie Counting? ChaptersHow Many Calories Do I Need Each Day?Try A Calorie Tracker To Keep On Top Of Your IntakeWhat If You Need Some Extra Help Besides Calorie Counting?It can be so difficult to navigate the world of food today â€" with so much convenience food readily available at the supermarket and an increasing number of us eating out or buying take away, it can be hard to know what exactly you’re putting into your body when you eat.When it comes to weight loss, one commonly debated topic is whether or not you actually need to control the number of calories you eat each day in order to lose weight. In fact, should you be watching the number of calories you eat every day, even if you’re not trying to shed a few pounds? This article outlines what calories are, and when calorie counting may be a good approach for you.If you need any further advice on what the best food intake is for you or would like suggestions on how to maintain your current body weight or get a good energy balance in your l ife, then you can also turn to a nutrition tutor at Superprof for some additional hints and tips.Take nutrition courses with the best tutors here.A healthy balanced diet is a great way to ensure you're getting the best nutrients if you're calorie counting. (Image Source: CC0 1.0, pasja1000, Pixabay)Gender;Your activity rate and metabolism; andWhether you’re looking to gain or lose weight.For instance, if you’re relatively inactive and spend most of your time behind a desk, with only an hour or so spare for exercise a week, your body won’t need as many calories compared to an individual who spends ten hours in the gym every week and works outside.As such, daily guidelines for calorie intake should be taken as a guideline only, although if you’re looking for more detailed calorie intake information specific to your circumstances, you can sometimes find personalised calorie estimates online, or if in any doubt you could also speak to your dietician about plans.Exercise and calo rie counting can be an effective strategy if you're looking to lose or maintain your weight. (Image Source: CC0 1.0, GDJ, Pixabay)Try A Calorie Tracker To Keep On Top Of Your IntakeOnce you know how many calories you should be eating on a daily basis to maintain your current weight, you could then use a calorie tracker to help you achieve any weight-loss goals you have or to try and stop you from going over your own daily recommended intake.When it comes to weight-loss, the key to success is fairly simple in theory â€" you just need to ensure that you are consuming fewer calories than your body needs. When this happens, you should start to lose weight. Conversely, if you consume more calories than needed on a regular basis, then this excess will be stored as fat, causing you to gain weight.As a result, calorie trackers can be really helpful when you’re trying to lose weight, as they keep on top of what you’ve eaten during the day and let you know when you’re close to, at, or o ver your limit. This means that you should be able to make informed food choices throughout the day.If you’d also prefer to digitise your weight-loss efforts, there are also a number of calorie tracker apps you can use to help you keep on top of your food consumption, and a quick google can let you know the most highly rated ones around, including My Fitness Pal. Alternatively, if you prefer to keep track of your calories yourself, you could also use tools such as the NHS’ online calorie checker.The important thing to bear in mind when it comes to calorie reduction is that you don’t want to overdo it â€" ideally reducing calories is a balancing act between giving your body enough nutrition and sustenance so you remain healthy, but also in a slightly reduced quantity so that you lose weight.Counting calories with a calculator can be a great way to achieve this balance, particularly if you're concerned with how many calories you consume at present.It’s inadvisable to go for an y extreme dieting or excessive calorie-restrictive diets, as they may do more damage to your body in the long run, and the chances of you sticking to such a tough diet are lower compared to a more measured approach to weight loss.If you’re ever in doubt about how to safely lose weight, make sure you speak to your healthcare provider for their input.Find a nutritionist near me here.While the occasional sweet treat is ok, if you're looking to lose weight by calorie counting there are better food alternatives out there! (Image Source: CC0 1.0, haraldheuser, Pixabay)What If You Need Some Extra Help Besides Calorie Counting?Ultimately, calorie counting is just one part of a wider picture when it comes to our health.Although some diets make a lot out of the benefits of calorie counting, it’s also worth bearing in mind that there are other things you should be mindful of as well when it comes to maintaining or losing weight, such as:How much exercise you’re doing; andWhat you’re ea ting on a daily basis.Taking each in turn, the amount that you do, or don’t exercise, can also have a huge impact on how much weight you lose, and can also positively impact your health more widely. Often, regular exercise combined with calorie counting can lead to successful, and prolonged, weight loss.The NHS recommends that on average, adults aged between 19 and 64 should look to be active daily, for example, 150 minutes of moderate aerobic activity per week coupled with strength exercises at least twice a week. However, you may wish to do more than this if your aim is to lose weight.Before beginning any exercise program, it would be wise to speak to your healthcare professional to ensure that you are fit enough to exercise for the length and intensity that you would like to, particularly if you’re very overweight or have done very little exercise in the past, and are looking at burning a large number of calories as part of your exercise regime.When it comes to how much you†™re eating on a day to day basis, it’s also important to note that calorie counting does not take into account the kind of food that you eat.While you could, for example, eat three chocolate bars and a meal at McDonald's in a day to meet the requirements of your calorie tracker, you’d naturally be much better off staying away from unhealthy foods and meeting your calorie quota through fresh, nutritious meals that keep you fuller for longer.Having a balanced diet is key to any weight loss or weight maintenance regime. Keeping a food journal can be a great way to keep track of what you're eating on a daily basis, and you can try and spot patterns in the kind of foods that you eat, and which nutrients you may be missing out on.Learning how to read a food or nutrition label on packaging can also be a great step towards a healthy food regime and avoiding weight issues such as obesity, and can help ensure you make positive food choices that give you more energy, even if you are trying to cut calories.If you’re looking for a bit of meal inspiration and would like ideas for weekly meals that are not only good for you but can help you reach a specific calorie goal each day for weight loss purposes, then you might like to turn to a tutor of nutrition courses at Superprof.A Superprof tutor can work with you to understand your calorie requirements, and can also give you further information about the principles of good nutrition, essential cooking skills, as well as offering personalised meal plan ideas that will appeal to you. Such meals will likely include a balance of carbohydrates, healthy fats, and proteins such as lean meats to ensure you remain full and satisfied.A tutor can be a really great resource to have, whether you want to keep on top of tracking your calories, you're looking at losing fat, or want to get into a healthy body mass index. Even if you want tips on how to maintain or increase your level of physical activity, a Superprof nutrition tutor can be there to assist to ensure you have a good balance of diet and exercise in your life.Read about how to maintain a healthy pregnancy diet.

Visiting the Vatican City

Visiting the Vatican City Everything You Need to Know About Visiting the Vatican ChaptersPlanning a Trip to the VaticanThe Best Parts of the Vatican CityThe History of the Vatican CityWhy Should You Visit the Vatican Museum?“You don't need to be more Catholic than the Pope”Visiting the Vatican is an essential part of any visit to the Italian capital.  This small city-state is home to 799 inhabitants but visited by 6 million people every year. This means 7,509 tourists visit for each resident.  Tourists tend to visit the Vatican’s museums, the Sistine Chapel, Saint Peter’s Square, and Saint Peter’s Basilica.The Vatican and the Holy See is effectively an absolute monarchy with the pope, the Roman Pontiff, and the bishop of Rome exercising the executive, legislative, and judiciary powers.Thinking about going to Rome?In this article, we’re looking at everything you need to know about the Vatican. DanielaItalian Teacher 5.00 (9) £50/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors LuciaItalian Teacher 5.00 (4) £17/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors Maril ùItalian Teacher 5.00 (8) £22/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors MarcoItalian Teacher £15/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors AntonellaItalian Teacher 5.00 (2) £14/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors GiusyItalian Teacher 5.00 (3) £25/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors EnricoItalian Teacher 5.00 (2) £20/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors FedericaItalian Teacher 5.00 (2) £30/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutorsPlanning a Trip to the VaticanThe Janiculum was once the residence of the Roman nobility. If you want to visit the Vatican, we recommend you avoid summer. (Source: TravelCoffeeBook)The site of the Vatican is full of archaeological remains dating back to the Antiquity.  It’s effectively an open-air museum with over 2,000 years of history and art history.  Since the reign of Emperor Constantine to the 4th century and during the time of the Papal States (752-1870), the popes have collected art since the High Antiquity.So how can you plan to see the Vatican?To get to the Vatican from the UK, you can always compare flights to Rome on Skyscanner.  There are plenty of flights including from London to Rome for as little as £40 return.From the centre of Rome, you can walk to the Vatican by taking the Porta Sant’Anna.  There are plenty of buses that go to the Vatican from Rome, stopping at Risogimento or Largo di Porta Cavalleggeri.  To visit Saint Peter’s Basilica and the museums at the Vatican, you can also take the Metro Line A, getting off at Ottaviano or Cipro.In the Va tican, there’s no low season or high season, it’s busy the whole year round and welcomes 16,438 visitors a day (6 million annually). The best time to visit the Vatican is in autumn, winter, or spring as it tends to be slightly quieter than summer.In terms of the weather, the Vatican has a Mediterranean climate resulting in warm dry weather in the summer and mild winters.The Omnia Vatican Card will give you two free visits, and free access to public transport for €113. It’s valid for 3 days and allows you to visit one of the world’s best art collections. You can also get a queue-jump ticket for the attractions. There are plenty of tickets that combine the Colosseum, Villa Borghese, the Vatican museums, Sistine Chapel, and the Apostolic Palace.  Don’t miss the dome at the Sistine Chapel, Apollo Belvedere, and Laocoon and His Sons.The Best Parts of the Vatican CityWhat can you see in the Vatican?Despite its small size, the Vatican is home to plenty of art dating back to the Antiquity. Saint Peter's Square and Basilica are where most tourists go first. (Source: TravelCoffeeBook)Whether you’re a pilgrim, practising Christian, or just a tourist who loves art and history, there’s something at the Vatican for everyone.The most popular attractions at the Vatican include:Saint Peter's SquareSaint Peter's BasilicaThe Sistine ChapelThe Vatican MuseumsThe Vatican GardensSaint Peter's Square was designed in a baroque style by Gian Lorenzo Bernini to welcome as many pilgrims as possible to the pope’s speeches.  Don’t miss the dome with the statues and works from Michaelangelo.  The obelisk in the centre of the square was brought to Rome from Egypt by Caligula. It was originally constructed nearly 4,000 years ago.Saint Peter's Basilica was built between 1506 and 1626 and the largest Christian church in the world. It welcomes 150,000 visitors each Sunday for the “Angelus Blessing”.  It’s the resting place of Saint Peter and many other popes.How could you visit the Vatican without visiting the Sistine Chapel?Built between 1477 and 1483, this is where the cardinals meet to elect the new pope.  It’s famous for the ornate arch, the frescoes painted by Michaelangelo, including The Last Judgment and paintings by Pietro Perugino, Botticelli, Ghirlandaio, Rosselli, and Pinturicchio.Finally, there’s the Vatican Museums, which include a total of 12 museums including the Pinacotheca, the Gregorian Egyptian, Etruscan, and Profane museums, and the Chiaramonti Museum.The museums are closed on Sundays but from Monday to Friday, you can visit the museums.The History of the Vatican CityEven though the Vatican has been recognised as a sovereign state since the Lateran Treaty of 11 February 1929, it dates back to the Roman Antiquity. The Vatican includes thousands of years worth of art. (Source: waldomiguez)The Vatican’s history dates back to when the Vatican Hill was home to Roman nobility including Agrippina, the mother of Caligula and grandmother of Nero.  Caligula built the Circus of Nero. The obelisk in Saint Peter's Square dates back to then.After the fall of the Roman Empire, the Vatican Hill became the residence of the popes. In the 5th century, Pope Symmachus built a palace.During the Feudal Age, the popes received donations from kings and princes, resulting in them possessing a colossal fortune.  The pope became one of the largest landholders in Europe and was master of the Papal States, which allowed the Vatican to assert its power.During the Italian Renaissance, the popes were veritable patrons of the arts. While the pope’s authority was increasingly challenged by humanist ideals, they continued to increase their collection of art.Rationality, individualism, crusades, and political and social tens ion between the Medicis, Orsini, Borgia, and Colonna families all contributed to reducing the pope’s power.  Paradoxically, this was when the largest buildings in the Vatican were built:The Sistine ChapelSaint Peter's BasilicaCortile del BelvedereThe invasion of Latium by Napoleon’s troops in 1798 resulted in the Vatican falling under French control.  It was liberated following the fall of the French Empire in 1815 but the unification of Italy caused the papal states to disappear in 1870, driving the pope back to the Vatican.As Rome was declared the capital of Italy and the pope’s powers were weakened, the dispute known as the Roman Question took place between Italy and the Papacy.This was resolved on 11 February 1929, when the Vatican was recognised as a sovereign city-state where the pope was given political and spiritual authority over the territory.Find out more about planning a trip to the Vatican.Why Should You Visit the Vatican Museum?When you visit Rome, you’ll proba bly think about visiting the Roman Forum, Piazza Navona, the Trevi Fountain, the Pantheon, etc. In addition to being a popular pilgrimage site, the Vatican is also home to magnificent architecture and art. (Source: gullah)But should you visit the Vatican if you’re neither Catholic nor a fan of large crowds?Here are some good reasons to visit the Vatican:The art collectionsThe Apostolic PalaceEuropean art and historyArchaeological remainsThere are 4 million visitors to the Vatican Museums each year, which is hardly surprising given that there are 2,000 years of history across several miles of corridors.  You can explore various ages throughout history:The Gregorian Egyptian Museum: from the Neolithic Period to the Age of the Pharaohs.The Gregorian Etruscan Museum: with objects from archaeological digs from the 9th century BCE to the 1st century BCE.The Ethnological Museum, with its collection of over 80,000 pieces of art from as early as prehistoric times.Pio Clementino Museum: The largest of the 12 museums with collections from the Greek and Roman Antiquity.In the Apostolic P alace, there’s the Sistine Chapel, which attracts most of the Vatican’s visitors.  Inaugurated 15th August 1483, it’s regularly visited for the dome and frescoes painted by Michaelangelo.  In addition to these monuments, you can also visit the Niccoline Chapel and the Raphael Rooms, which are filled with masterpieces from the Italian Renaissance.  Finally, don’t miss the Bramante Staircase!We recommend that you visit the Vatican either early in the morning or at the end of the afternoon to avoid the crowds.Before you go to the Vatican, consider learning some Italian. While Latin is also the official language of the Vatican, you'll get much farther with Italian. There are plenty of talented Italian tutors on Superprof who can help you with this.With three different types of tutorial available, face-to-face tutorials, online tutorials, and group tutorials, each with their pros and cons, you need to carefully choose which one is right for you and your learning objectives.Face-t o-face tutorials take place with just you and the tutor. Since this involved a lot of extra work for the tutor outside of the tutorials, you'll pay a premium for these types of tutorials. However, with the tutor's undivided attention, these tutorials are also the most cost-effective tuition you can get.Online tutorials come with a lot of the same benefits as face-to-face tutorials but your tutor won't be there in the room with you. With fewer travel expenses, your tutor can charge less for the tutorials.Finally, group tutorials involve several students and one tutor. You won't get as much one-on-one time with your tutor but you also won't pay as much per hour as the cost tutor's time is shared amongst all the students in the tutorial.